Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Answer this

What was your first impression of me?
One in a million

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How bad are you?

Have you ever stolen?:
i'm not so sure. penah kot ;p

Have you ever cheated on a test?:
yep. tipu la if u guys out there x penah buat kan. heh

cheated with someone else?:
yep. several times. especially my boyfriend and my parents. hehe.

How often do you use four letter words?:
4 letter words? F*** eh? i love that word haha ;p

How often do you drive above the speed limit?:

Have you committed vandalism?:
Never. Soon or later.

Have you ever smoked?:
Yes. i've been a smoker before.

Tried drugs?:
i'm not so sure.

Played strip poker?:

Taken candy from a child?:
Nahh. cian budak kecik itu.

Crashed someone else's car?:
Never. But someone crashed over my car ada la. damn!

Danced naked in public?:
Hoi gile ke..heh

Ran from the police?:
Gilo apo. X ponah.

Skipped class?:
Selalu je :)

Run over an animal?:
Time kecik2 dulu..

Watched pornography?:
errr..kena jwb jugak ke? ;p

Made a prank phone call?:
Cool. But never try before.

This or That

Snow or rain?

I do love rain than snow coz makes me feel sleepy n what if a guy beside me..duhh..haha..and snow will makes me oh damn tulang aku nak reput. heh.

Iphone or Blackberry?
Both. but i prefer Blackberry laa..style dow.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee anyone?

Tattoos or no tattoos?
Nampak cool if ada tattoo. tapi diharamkan. hehe.

Fashion or comfort?
Fashion comes first then i will think about comfort :)

Chocolate chip or chocolate chunk?
chockly chunky :)

Mac or PC?
Must be Mac laa.

Being really hungry or being too full?
Being too full. nak bg bdn besar sket. but x leh and still keding gak ni. how eh?

Low rise skinny jeans or high wasted flare legged jeans?
Low rise skinny jeans agak cool :)

Big parties or little gatherings?
Big parties laa! There'll be a lot of hot hunks. ouch! ;p

Zoos or pet shops?
Zoos. i'm wondering if i can sleep with the lions and screaming roars. thats hot. hehe

Lipstick or lipgloss?
Lipgloss makes me glossy and wanna smooch someone. lipstick jungle makes me old. i think so.

Hair straighteners or curling irons?
Both. same style all the way bosan gak kan.

Lime green or bright orange?
Lime greeny looks like sedap mata memandang and bright orange buat sakit mata. heh.

Velvet or silk?
Sexiness comes from silk i think.

Flirting or playing hard to get?
Playing hard to get laa. baru nampak mcm jual mahal. hehe.

Love at first sight or friendship first?
Friendship. Coz i've been fell with love at first sight dan ia tidak kemana :(

Neons or pastels?
Pastels with kaler2 rainbow comel.

The sound of rain or oceans?
Oceans. release tension.

The letter “P” or the letter “B”?
"P" for Perempuan. And "B" for Bitch. hehe. so i prefer "P".

Writing someone a poem to tell them how you feel or telling them to their face?
I wish i could tell them to their face and spits! thats cool :)

Walking barefoot on grass or sand?
Sand. Then i can baling the sand kat muka kau. haha ;p

White milk or chocolate milk?
Both yummy :)